Mortgage Buddy:

This app was created by my student partner and friend Alexander Chase Thompson and myself, Christian Lorenzo. 

This app was created for people that are in the process of buying a property. The app provides you with property information. It also allows you to get price ranges using different websites, and at the end once you have an idea of the amount you want to spend on a house, then the app will give you your calculated monthly payments based on the downpayment you're giving towards the property. 

The app counts with a "Tips" section that allows you to understand a little bit more about the home buying process which could be very stressful for a lot of people.

Once you understand the process, there's a link at the bottom of the screen that will take you to the different pages that contain different market options and prices. Once you have the property information including the price, you can then jump to the mortgage calculator that will give you all the information about your future property payments. 

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